Sunday, December 6, 2009

End of week 3

Well we have been at the Myeloma Institute for three weeks now.  Carla finished the chemo for her first induction last Tuesday.  We are still waiting for her white blood count to rebound while she takes growth hormone shots twice a day.

Yesterday her WBC was 0.04.  Down from the 0.11 on Friday.  Her potassium level was low again.  We got a prescription for K tablets (horse pills) and her potassium level came up by Sunday. 

Today her WBC was 0.05 and her platelet level was down.  She had to get a platelet transfusion.

Basically we go to 7C of the Medical Hospital at 8:00 a.m. for blood tests.  Generally the results are back in about an hour.  If anything is critical as was her platelet level this morning, the lab calls back so the nurses don't have to wait to remedy the situation.  During the week, Carla's APN Nurse will come by and check on her similar to a visit to a doctor's office.  Depending on what corrective actions are necessitated we are out of there some where between 10:00 and 1:00.

After eating, Carla takes an afternoon nap.  About 4:30 it is time to head back to 7C for the second growth hormone shot.  No blood tests are required.  We can usually be back to the apartment by 6:00.

Hopefully we can harvest stem cells by the end of this week.

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