Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No Blood Clots

The best news today was they could not find any blood clots in Carla's legs.  In January, Carla had one in her left calf and an older clot in her right leg.  She had a pain in her left thigh and her blood test the past three days had shown her CRP which measures inflammation and infections was up from 5 to about 30.  They couldn't find any new blood clot nor could they find the previous two clots.  The Lovenox shots must be working!  Her platelets were at 37 so she didn't have to get any platelets.  Those two bags of platelets yesterday must have helped.

Due to the elevated CRP, they administered two antibiotics via IV's.  Her white blood count was only slightly higher going from 0.21 to 0.25.  We need for that WBC to get up over 2.0 before we see the top doc on Thursday. 

Monday's rest seemed to help with Carla's fatigue.  A migraine headache has plagued her the past two days.  Hopefully she will get relief from the headache and her WBC will shoot up.

Not much has changed otherwise only that the weather finally cooled down some with about a half inch of rain last night and this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Great news about no blood clots. I am praying for you Carla. Rebecca Weber
