Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Going Up?

Today's blood test results may indicate the stem cells have engrafted and are producing.  The WBC was up to 0.22 from yesterday's 0.08. 

The RBC also showed a slight increase.  The platelet count was back at 30 so Carla had to get a bag of platelets and the Lovenox shot and growth factor shot.  The increase in platelets shown earlier in the graph was due to an earlier bag of platelets.  We are very thankful for blood donors!

The CRP rose to 21.40 from yesterday's value of 15.4 when the normal range is 0 - 10.  This indicates inflamation but could be due to rapid bone marrow growth.  Carla had this same problem during Induction I.

Carla has been very uncomfortable the past two days.  Her back bothers her more and she can't get comfortable in bed or in the new recliner.  I think part of this might be attributable to bone pain due to rapid bone growth.

We hope the upward trend continues tomorrow.  Her immunity will be considered low until the WBC gets above 2.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ernie,

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. I run around MIRT and MIC on a little red electric scooter, so come say hello if you see George and me.

    Hope Carla continues to make good progress. When did she harvest stem cells?

    God Bless,
